There’s Nothing “Independent” About IMEs
You’ve filed an injury report with your employer, and your doctor has told you that your injury is work-related. The insurance carrier will pay your worker’s compensation benefits, right? Not necessarily. In many instances, an insurance carrier will hire a physician—oftentimes from outside of Wisconsin—to perform an “independent medical evaluation,” otherwise known as an “IME,” to evaluate your medical condition. However, there is nothing “independent” about an IME. The insurance carrier will usually select a physician with a proven track record of providing opinions more favorable to the insurance carrier than to you. A recent story published by the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism highlights some of the inequities inherent in worker’s compensation IMEs. For details click here:
An IME does not mean your worker’s compensation claim is over. If an insurance carrier has scheduled you for an IME, or if your worker’s compensation claim has been denied based upon an IME, call us for a free consultation to learn what options you have.